Poetry Reading: Dara Barrois/Dixon & Reuben Jackson

Past event
Aug 10, 2022, 7:30 to 8:30 AM

The 2nd annual Ruth Stone House Poetry Retreat, NEXT GALAXY, is thrilled to be hosting two public poetry readings followed by Q&A. The first is Dara Wier Barrois/Dixon & Reuben Jackson on the 10th at Waybury Inn (Mark Leidner and Bianca Stone will read on Friday the 12th, 7:30, at the East Middlebury Public Library).

The Waybury Inn
457 E Main St, Middlebury, VT 05753

Drinks and book signing will also follow!

Dara Barrois/Dixon (formerly Dara Wier) is the author of Tolstoy Killed Anna Karenina (Wave Books, 2022). Other titles include In the Still of the Night (Wave Books, 2017), You Good Thing (Wave Books, 2014), Reverse Rapture (Verse Press, 2005), Hat on a Pond (Verse Press, 2002) and Voyages in English (Carnegie Mellon, 2001). She has received awards from the Lannan Foundation, American Poetry Review, The Poetry Center Book Award, Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts and Massachusetts Cultural Council have generously supported her work. She lives and works in factory hollow in Western Massachusetts.

Reuben Jackson served as curator of the Smithsonian's Duke Ellington Collection in Washington, D.C. for over twenty years. His music reviews have been published in the Washington Post, Washington City Paper, Jazz Times, and on All Things Considered. Jackson is also an educator and mentor with The Young Writers Project.

The Ruth Stone House is a literary nonprofit in Vermont, dedicated to the promotion of poetry and book arts.

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