The AIA Board of Directors and our Sewer and Water, Streetscape, and Stiles House subcommittees have been busy. Updates of our committees activities will be shared and we will answer any questions you may have at the meeting.
We also have a number of other issues and events about which we would like your input and maybe some of your precious time. In no particular order, they are:
• Do you have a green thumb? There may be an opportunity to begin a community garden on land near Lufkin Commons off of East and Barkley Streets in the Village. We need people to take this idea and run with it. Issues such as liability insurance, administration, upkeep, etc. will have to be explored. Would you like to build something from the ground up (literally)? Here is your opportunity.
• Do you have any ideas about community access to Summit Lake at the area known as The Rocks. The town is acquiring some lake front land near the location of the village wells. Could recreational access for swimming and/or boating be made available for community residents? Again, there are issues and obstacles which will need to be considered: liability, safety, making and enforcing rules. Let's not just say it can't be done. In order to get it done, we will need people who are willing to put in the time to ask all the right questions and then get the answers we need to help the Town/AIA go forward. Can you help?
• The Fire Department food concession at the Washington County Fair, August 22-28, needs you. The Fire Department has had wonderful support over the years but ALWAYS needs help filling its shifts at the fair. Do you have some time during Fair Week to help with a great cause? We will have information, on the types of jobs available and when they have openings, on the 15th. If you want to make a commitment now, please contact Sarah Huggins at
• Thistle Day is Saturday, September 17. The parade starts at 4:30 PM, followed by live music, food, and fireworks at the field near Taxes with a View. There will also be information tables and concessions at the field. Would you like to help decorate a parade float for the Argyle Improvement Association? Could you sit at a table with information about the work of AIA and our subcommittees? Maybe you are looking for a way to be involved in building our community but can't commit to a continuing obligation. Here's a way to help without any long term strings attached.
Maybe you have a great idea about something that could be done to make Argyle a little prettier, a little more interesting, a little more supportive of its residents. Don't be shy! Come to the meeting on August 15th and be part of the conversation.
The Argyle Improvement Association Board of Directors,
Faith, Carol, JoAnn, Deb, Sarah, Scott and Robin