Wells River Voter Alert - State Primary Aug. 9

Past event
Aug 9, 2022, 7 to 7 AM


THE STATE PRIMARY ELECTIONS for Governor, Lt. Governor, Treasurer, and other State Officers as well as for 1 US Senator and our US Representative to Congress. etc will be held on August 9th. There is an unusually large number of contested contests because several incumbents have vacated their seats.

There is not a polling station in Wells River. There is only one polling place for the election and WELLS RIVER RESIDENTS wanting to vote in person will need to VOTE AT THE NEWBURY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GYM - 7AM TO 7PM on AUGUST 9th.

If you requested an absentee or early ballot, you received 3 separate ballots - Democrat, Progressive and Republican you choose one to complete but must also return the 2 you didn't use as per the instructions.

The Secretary of State office is recommending that if you have not mailed back your ballot yet, that you do not use the US Postal Service to return your ballot. Mail in ballots must reach the town clerk by August 9th to be counted. Ballots received after August 9th will not be counted.

Instead you should hand deliver your ballot to the Newbury town clerk office before close of business on August 8th. or deliver it to the polling station at Newbury Elementary School between 7am to 7pm on Election Day, August 9th. If you have not registered to vote, it is not too late. If you have any questions about registering to vote or other election questions call the town clerk at: 802 - 866 -5521 or email: clerk@newburyvt.org

Richard M Roderick on behalf of the Wells River Action Program, (WRAP)

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