I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval: Liquor Control and City Council Minutes of 07/18/2022
B. Approval: Payroll Warrants 07/10/2022-07/23/2022
C. Approval: Accounts Payable Warrants as of 07/26/2022, 08/01/2022, 08/03/2022 and Subsequent to Payout Warrant for May 2022
D. Approval: W Spring St Block Party 8/28 Event Permit Application - R Hebert
E. Approval: Bruce Wilson as Alternate to Member Inclusion & Belonging Commission - J Willingham
F. Approval: SRF Authorized Representative - J Rauscher
VI. Council Reports
VII. City Updates
VIII. Public Hearing - ULUDR Amendments - Draft Amendments - E Vorwald
IX. Regular Items
A. Discussion/Approval: Traffic Calming Manual and Policy - J Rauscher/CCRPC
B. Discussion: AALV and Net Zero VT Request - E Wang/I Webster/D Sachs
C. Discussion: Nonprofit Grant Guidelines - E Wang
D. Discussion/Approval: Winooski Pride Event - T Renner/M Bay-Tyack
E. Discussion: Police Department Strategic Plan Update - R Hebert
F. Approval: ULUDR Amendments - Draft Amendments - E Vorwald
G. Discussion/Approval: Treasurer Appointment - A Aldieri
H. Discussion/Approval: COVID Business Recovery Awards - A Aldieri
I. Discussion: Eviction Protection - R Renner
J. Discussion/Approval: GMT Appointments - K Lott
K. Discussion: Goal Update: Housing - E Wang
X. Executive Session - E Wang/A Aldieri
Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. Section 313 (6), records exempt from the access to public records provisions, namely, information in any files relating to personal finances, as listed in 1 V.S.A. section 317(c)(7)
XI. Executive Session - K Lott/E Wang
Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313 (3), the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee, provided that the public body shall make a final decision to hire or appoint a public officer or employee in an open meeting and shall explain the reasons for its final decision during the open meeting.
XII. Regular Items
A. Discussion/Approval: Housing Trust Fund Application Down Payment Assistance - E Wang
XIII. Adjourn
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Attend by phone: 1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 827 4463 3728
Attend in-person: Winooski City Hall (27 West Allen St)
Please read our Remote Meeting Procedures if you plan to participate via Zoom:
To sign up for public comment via Zoom, fill out our Public Comment Request Form or call 802 655 6410 to schedule:
Questions? Call or email: 802 655 6410 /
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