Community Circle of Vermont's Aug. 13 Healing Circle

Past event
Aug 13, 2022, 5 PM

CommUnity Circle Gathering
Saturday, August 13th
5:00pm- 7:00pm
961 Bittersweet Falls Rd
Weybridge, VT

Have you been longing for a place to come together to focus on bringing more love, peace, joy, and healing into the world? That's why CommUnity Circle of Vermont was formed! Join us at the home of our August presenter, Earl Hurlburt. Earl is the owner of Green Mountain Inti Ombak Pencak Silat in Middlebury, you can check out his web page

Earl has just returned from the World Pencak Silat Championships in Malaysia. He competed with the 2022 USA Pencak Silat Team and he brought home the Bronze Medal!

Earl is going to lead us in Daya Batin/Energy Training. Da means gift; Daya means Compassion, compassion for the suffering of fellow humans, for animals, plants and Mother Earth .

Daya Batin focuses on cultivating, directing and using internal energy, for the benefit of others and yourself. Through the use of breathing, meditation and intent, you learn to connect to yourself and others so that you may send and receive help, healing and love.

If this sounds like a great way to spend part of your Saturday please register with Lisa Maloney
802-349-0766 text or email

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