Hey all here is an invite from our neighbor, friend and candidate Rory Thibault:
I have been humbled and honored by the support from the Cabot community in my run for Attorney General. With primary day rapidly approaching (Tuesday, 8/9/22) my campaign is kicking off a "14 counties in 7 days tour," beginning in Cabot -- which will end back in Cabot after the polls close next week!
The meet and greet will also be a celebration of my team, campaign volunteers, and supporters -- and we are expecting some other democratic candidates for statewide and county office to stop in and say hello, and interact with voters! We hope this will be a good opportunity for other candidates to learn about Cabot and the issues you are most concerned about in this election.
Please feel free to stop in or join tomorrow Tuesday, 8/2/22, from 6-8pm at Harry's Hardware!
- Your friend and neighbor - Rory Thibault.