Worcester Historical Society Annual Meeting

Past event
Sep 12, 2013

Annual Meeting Features Historic Portrayal by WHS President

On Thursday, September 12, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. the Worcester Historical Society will hold its Annual Meeting at the Worcester Town Hall. Following a short business meeting, J. David Book will perform as 19th-century farmer Abel Morrill of Cabot. The meeting will close with an ice cream social. All are welcome and the town hall is handicap accessible.

Program "A High Price to Pay, A Heavy Burden to Bear: One Family’s Civil War Story"

Abel Morrill, Sr., was an early settler of Cabot, Vermont. He was a respected farmer and maple sugar producer for much of the 19th century. His story reflects the hardship and heartbreak suffered by those who lived at the time of America’s greatest conflict, the Civil War.

David Book’s portrayal of Abel Morrill profiles life before the war and life as it was affected by the war. Drawing on primary resources, Book’s monologue describes with historical accuracy life in mid-19th century Vermont and is a story that could be repeated by many families in every town in Vermont during this era.

David Book is President of the Worcester Historical Society. This program is sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council.

For more information contact Judy Knapp at 223-8635 or e-mail jaknapp13@comcast.net

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