The League of Women Voters reminds you that you have very little time left to request your Absentee Ballot, which must be returned to the Town/City Office by Monday, August 8!
You have three options to request an Absentee Ballot:
1. Online, at My Voter Page on the Secretary of State's website, Sign in and, first, make sure your voter information and mailing address is accurate. To request your Absentee Ballot, click on "Click Here for Online Absentee Ballot Request."
-- OR --
2. Email or call your Town/City Clerk and request a ballot before the close of the Town/City Clerk's office on Monday, August 8, the day before the election. Be mindful of the time required for ballots to be mailed to you.
-- OR --
3. Go into the Town/City Office during business hours to pick up a ballot, which can be completed onsite.
Completing Your Ballot
You will receive three ballots and three envelopes, one from each major party - Democrat, Progressive, and Republican. You can only complete and sign one party ballot but must return all three ballots in the envelopes provided. Failure to do so will result in your vote not being counted.
Returning Your Ballot
All ballots must be returned to the Town/City Clerk's office by the close of the office on Monday August 8 or to the polling place before 7 p.m. on Tuesday August 9.
Mailing In Your Ballot
If you mail in your Absentee ballot to your Town/City office, please do this by August 1 to ensure timely delivery. It has to be in your Town Office by August 9. Postmark dates are not accepted.
Voting In Person
You can also vote in person by going to your polling place on Election Day, Tuesday, August 9.
For information on candidates, check:
1. Seven Days Primary Election Voters Guide,
2. Vermont Digger Election Guide,
The League of Women Voters reminds you that Democracy is not a Spectator Sport. Make your voice heard. VOTE.
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