Workshops: An Indigenous Perspective

Past event
Aug 21, 2022, 9 AM to 3 PM

The way of the heart, an indigenous perspective: Creating right relationship with all living things. A workshop that allows us to deepen our relationship with the natural world - plants, animals, the spirit world, and the world of the two legged. Gary Adler Fourstar, founder of the Many Horses Foundation 501©3, will be visiting Taft Hill Farm from his ranch in southwestern Colorado in August for a few days only to present a workshop about walking your path, the power of healing through creating balanced relationships and learning how you relate to all that is.

August 19-22 (Friday 9-3pm & Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 9-5). Sweat lodge Thursday 8/18 late afternoon.
Location: Taft Hill Farm, 1657 Back Windham Road, West Townshend
Cost: suggested donation $100/day; sweat lodge ceremony open to everyone (no charge)
Questions / more information / RSVP:

Gary Adler Fourstar is a Pipe Carrier, Sun dancer, Lodge Keeper, leader of the Animal Spirit Dance, storyteller and a leader in the Thunderbird Metis Nation. He has facilitated workshops and assisted others in their healing process for over 40 years. He has dedicated his life to helping people find their strength and power, facilitate their own healing and help them to awaken mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in their life.

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