Important Fall Soccer Information: Sign Up and 1st Practice!

Past event
Aug 29, 2013, 5 PM

Hello Neighbors! SPREAD THE WORD!!!
One of the first sure signs that summer is wrapping up and school is about to start is the sign-up for Fall Soccer. I had wanted to get an early start this season and begin Aug. 15th but alas this was not the year with changes to the field and other minor glitches.

Returning coaches please contact me ASAP with your intent for this season.
We have a need for new coaches at all levels K-2, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th. No expertise needed...take a team or asst. and learn. Contact me soon as possible with your interest.
Team Parents: I am asking each team to have a designated team parent this season to help coordinated practice and game snacks as well as aide the coach with things like communication, Etc.

As you may have noticed the field was part of the construction at EMES this summer as they installed the new drainage that will help dry up both the school yard fields and (fingers crossed) the recreation fields as well. I will be making some minor changes to the orientation of our playing fields this season to insure the new grass goes uneffected but I could also use your help reminding our children to stay off the strip in the center which will be marked off.

We are installing some brand new goals this year (2 sets) and having the 5th/6th graders transition to them from the very start of the season. Our hope is to upgrade all our goals in the near future and transition grades 3rd-6th to the aluminum 12 x 6 goals.

Lastly, it is always a scramble to get teams organized and ready in the fall due to the short Vermont season....please get your forms in by Friday Aug. 30th. I can not guarantee a place for late entries if we don't have a space. Over sized teams are not fair to the kids and make it hard on our volunteer coaches.

You can email me the form or stick it in the mail. If emailed you need to remember to still get me the check and a hard copy with signatures before your child can actually practice.

Mail to :
Phillip Heinz
180 Walbridge Rd.
Montpelier, VT 05602


All kids practice and Parent meeting
Thursday Aug. 29th
5:00 - 6:00 pm
All 3rd to 6th graders show up for general first practice.
Meet with parents at the end of practice to address any questions and distribute/ collect paper work.

3rd/4th practices and games will generally be on tue/thurs
5th/6th practices and games will generally be on mon/wed

K-2 program will start Sept. 14th... you do need a form and releases

All schedules depend on the availability of our wonderful volunteer coaches so some exceptions may happen. Times will vary from 3:45 to 5:15 starts this season.

Saturday games are a possibility this year especially due to reduce number of fields we can use due to the construction.

Link to the Rec board website....SAVE it for game schedules and updates.
Look under forms link on the left-hand menu to download forms

Thank you,
Phillip Heinz
Co-Chair East Montpelier Recreation Board
Coordinator of Fall Soccer program
522-7065 (email best)

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