After the only break in its nearly 100 year history of annual runs, Old Home Sunday at the Braintree Hill Meetinghouse is scheduled to take place once again on August 7, beginning at 10am. Presented by the Braintree Historical Society, this beloved tradition features a nonecumenical church service, hymn sing and musical presentation, all within the walls of the historic 1845 Meetinghouse. The service is followed by refreshments and an open house at the Braintree Historical Society Museum, located in the basement of the Meetinghouse. The event brings together multiple generations of families from near and far. And while many attendees have deep roots connecting them to Braintree's past, many others come just to be a part of this great tradition.
All are welcome for what should be a fine day on Braintree Hill. The address of the Meetinghouse is 2756 Braintree Hill Road. For more information about this event, the Meetinghouse, or the Braintree Historical Society please contact Jackson Evans via email above or phone at 802-345-5684.