Reclaiming Imagination: 8-Wk Somatic Writing Journey

Past event
Aug 9, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

Writing our Insides Out: Re-claiming Imagination, an 8-Week Somatic Writing Group
Tues, Aug 9-Sept 27th, 6:30-8pm, $175
Nomad Cafe, 208 Flynn Ave, Burlington, VT

How often are we shaping, making and narrating our lives from someone else's imagination?

Right now we are collectively living inside a moment asking us to embody great courage, compassion, curiosity and incredible imagination. Part of this imagining requires a re-membering that comes from the life within us. Not a story, not a good idea, but the breathing, dynamic life revealing itself in our bodies right now. In this 8-week writing group we'll play inside movement, voicework, guided imagery and imagination to reveal the parts, stories and unclaimed territories within us we need in order to create a radical future where all beings are safe, healthy, thriving and free. Join me! No experience writing is necessary.
Register at or email Denise at for more info.

Stay cool friends,

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