Water is Life: Abenaki FREE Arts for Little Ones on Tuesday August 3, 2022 at 3:00 pm. Families will meet with #VAAA artist Francine Poitras Jones for Music, Storytelling, and Artmaking. Register now.
Registration Required: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModOigrDgjGtzr6wmZmr5KSNKEepPGbWKf
Children will be introduced to Francine's painting "Water is Life" and explore the Abenaki relationship with water and how all people can care for our precious water. Francine will share songs and storytelling and then the children will participate in creating artwork similar to the painting that is currently at the *Nebizun: Water is Life exhibit. The program is geared towards children ages 4 through 8. Space is limited to first come - first served.
This program is associated with the *Nebizun: Water is Life exhibition currently on view at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, and Brattleboro Museum of Art & Culture. Program co-hosted by the Vermont Abenaki Artists Association and the Abenaki Arts & Education Center
[*Nebi is water in Abenaki and Nebizun means medicine. Our water is medicine for our bodies.]