Cross View Garden's Daylily Days!

Past event
Jul 23, 11 AM to 5 PM, Jul 24, 2022

Open Garden Weekends are here! We will be open for the next 3 weekends (7/23-24, 7/30-31, & 8/6-7) for garden visitors. The hours will be 11-5 on both Saturday and Sunday. As we have done in recent years, there will be sections of the garden where Harold will dig daylilies to order. Additionally we will have some potted hosta and a few other potted plants available for sale. Again this year we are asking everyone to mask up while in the garden, a little something we can all do to help protect each other.

Reminder: We do not allow pets in the garden, so please leave your furry friends at home where they will be safe and comfortable while you enjoy your walk in the flowers. So, come and enjoy the flowers and the views!

We hope we will see you this season,
Leila and Harold
Crossview Gardens
1801 Lower Elmore Mtn. Rd.
Morrisville, VT 05661

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