Preview of July 25 Special City Council Meeting

Past event
Jul 25, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This coming Monday, the City Council will convene a special meeting. We will have an executive session on the BPOA contract. The BPOA is our police union.

You are welcome to attend the Council meeting in person at Contois Auditorium OR Remotely via ZOOM at the following link:
or by phone 1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 835 5508 5583
You can also join us via Youtube:
You can sign up for public forum via this link: or in person by completing a sign up form inside Contois.

We will begin our meeting at 6pm with an executive session regarding collective bargaining with the police union. This follows three past executive sessions on bargaining for this contract, including an extensive one at our last meeting this past Monday.

Once out of executive session, we will have our public forum. The only item on our deliberative agenda will be a vote on the BPOA contract.

I would encourage you to check out our agenda on board docs at

As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input.

I wish you a wonderful weekend.

My best,

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