The Jeudevine Library is collaborating with the Galaxy Bookshop, Birdsong Beer & Wine, and Front Seat Coffee on our first "Pages in the Pub" styled book recommendation event since 2019! Joining Galaxy Bookshop co-owner Sandy Scott on the panel are three esteemed local authors: M.T. Anderson (Feed, The Daughters of Ys), Daphne Kalmar (Stealing Mt. Rushmore, A Stitch in Time), and Christine McDonnell (Sanctuary, When the Babies Came to Stay).
Books & Brews is a ticketed event that will be held at Front Seat Coffee (enter through Birdsong). A $20 ticket will include entry, a donation to the Jeudevine Library, tea and coffee and a buffet of empanadas and sweets made by the bakers at Front Seat. Alcohol will be available to purchase by the can or bottle at Birdsong.
Our panel of readers will give a lively overview of their favorite new books across a variety of genres. This is the perfect time to add to your summer reading list or start a new list for fall! Order forms will be provided for guests to order from the "menu" of books offered by our panelists. A portion of the book sales from the evening will go to the Jeudevine Library.
Join us for this fun benefit for the Jeudevine that also supports three Main Street businesses!
Tickets are available to purchase through The Galaxy Bookshop and the Jeudevine Library. (Cash or check only.)