"HAPPY CAMPERS, Adventure with God"
2022 Brownsville Community Church Vacation Bible School
Brownsville Community Church Pavilion in Tribute Park
July 25 - 28 (5:30 pm - 8:00 pm)
This yeara's theme is "Happy Campers, Adventure with God" and is available to all children 4-14 years old at the Brownsville Community Church Pavilion in Tribute Park, Brownsville, VT.
We will start with a family dinner in the new pavilion. After dinner, Pastor Christian will go with those adults who are interested into a study. The youth will stay in the pavilion for the Vacation Bible School "Happy Camper" activities.
Please register the number of children attending at the link below and be sure to enter each child's name and age. An RSVP confirmation will be sent to the parent's email address.
Questions? Email bcchurchvt@gmail.com
All are welcome!