Relocalizing Vermont: Intentional Communities in Vermont & Beyond

Past event
Jun 12, 2014

Carl Etnier hosts Relocalizing Vermont Thursday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Eastern, on WGDR Plainfield 91.1 FM / WGDH Hardwick 91.7 FM / streaming at

9:00 - 10:00 am
The entire hour is about successful attempts to come together in intentional communities, in Vermont and elsewhere. Why do people join them, and what struggles do they go through?

Ted Montgomery is one of the founders of Ten Stones, which he calls a "suburb with a soul," in Charlotte, Vermont. They started work in 1989, and they now have 18

Phil Rice is a co-founder of Cobb Hill in Hartland Four Corners Vermont, which serves as an incubator of farm-based businesses. The community began organizing in 1996 and broke ground in 2000.

Douglas Stephenson is the author of a book about a granddaddy of surviving US intentional communities, The Farm in Tennessee. The Farm Then and Now: A model for sustainable living, tells the story of the hippy school buses crossing the country in search of a place to settle down, and the young community's transition from commune to ecovillage.

10:00 - 10:30 am
In Resilience Thoughts, Rocky Kistner describes the efforts of Williamson, West Virginia--a town whose Chamber of Commerce building is literally built out of coal--to create a life beyond coal. Bucky Buckaw celebrates backyard chickening. Plus upcoming events related to energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil.

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