Gardening the Mind

Past event
Jul 25, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

The Manchester Meditation Center is offering a public 5-week course from July 25th through August 22nd. Meeting on Mondays from 6 pm until 8 pm, we will present both the practice of meditation and the Buddhist teachings that support the journey of awakening the mind and heart.

The class is appropriate for first-time meditators and for those with experience hoping to invigorate their practice with live teachings and an open forum for asking questions. If this is the summer for you to learn meditation, to work with the rich soil of being human,


To decide if the course is right for you, you may attend the first presentation July 25th with no obligation. Going forward, we ask for a $50 donation, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Our local venue can seat 20 students on meditation cushions or in chairs.

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