Willoughby Lake Watershed Action Plan Kickoff Meeting

Past event
Jul 27, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

Willoughby Lake Watershed Action Plan Kick off Meeting!

Please join the Westmore Association, the Orleans County Conservation District, VT Department of Environmental Conservation, Memphremagog Watershed Association, the town of Westmore on Wednesday July 27th at 6:30-8:00 at the Westmore fellowship hall at 27 Hinton Hill Rd.

A Lake Watershed Action Plan is an assessment to identify the greatest threats to the lake ecosystem, including impacts on water quality and wildlife habitat from stormwater runoff and from altered, cleared, or converted shorelands. Please come learn about your watersheds, discuss the action plan scopes of work, and to discuss water quality assessment priorities and project prioritization criteria for the Willoughby Lake Watershed.

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