AGENDA (tentative)*
Hartford, NY, Town Board Meeting
DATE: Tuesday 7/12/22
6:30pm – Town Board gathers to audit the bills/invoices for the month
7:00pm – Town Board Meeting opens. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1) Moment of Silence for any recently departed citizens: None known of
2) Attendance Roll of Town Board members:
3) Authorize payment of the audited bills:
4) Supervisor's Monthly Financial Report:
5) Town Clerk's Monthly Report:
6) Review of minutes as provided;
6.1 Town Board meeting 6.2 Planning Board meeting 6.3 Youth Commission meeting
7) Public Hearing or Presentation: None proposed
8) Public Comment period for any of the agenda topics presented (Subject to the 'Privilege of the Floor Parameters'):
9) Information, Correspondence, & Misc.: (A) Hartford Community band concert 7/19 (B) NYMIR letter of 6/14 with recommendations (Ice stops) (C) Youth Commission 8U Little Lady Tanagers recognition 8/1
10) Economic Development Info: None
11) County Info: Full Tax rates of 2021 Assessment rolls
12) Old Business: (A) New agenda format
13) New Business: (A) Standard Workday Resolution
14) Reports from various Town officials and Committees;
14.1 Youth 14.2 HVFC 14.3 Highway 14.4 Enforcement 14.5 Historian
14.6 Dog Control 14.7 Court 14.8 Parade
15) Public Discussion (subject to the 'Privilege of the Floor Parameters')
16) Executive Session (as proposed): None proposed
17) Adjourn: Next regular meeting is Tuesday 7pm 8/9/22
* This Tentative Agenda is subject to change without notice.
Mar 12, 2025, 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Protest/DemonstrationMar 15, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM
Argyle Legion Corned Beef and Cabbage Supper March 15Mar 15, 2025, 4 to 7 PM