Windham Chicken Barbeque Set for Saturday, July 16!
Summer happiness is Windham's Annual Chicken BBQ and Raffle, hosted by the Windham Community Organization (WCO). After a two-year hiatus, the WCO would like to welcome you back to our Annual Chicken Barbecue held outdoors at the historic Windham Meeting House, 26 Harrington Road, Windham, on the corner of Windham Hill Road. It will be held on Saturday, July 16, promptly at 5 PM. Mark your calendar today. Summed up as "the perfect old-fashioned community BBQ with really good food, great friends and nice country music," the Windham BBQ will be serving up Walter Woodruff's own "Special Recipe" BBQ chicken cooked "to perfection" over a wood fire. Baked beans, potato salad, green salad, homemade sweet breads, corn bread, and homemade strawberry shortcake topped with whipped cream, are all included for the bargain price of $15/adult, $8/child ages 5-12, or $35/family. Be sure to get there early and try your luck on our raffle of crafts created by talented Windham artisans and enjoy music by our own Windham musicians. Look for the big tent outside the Windham Congregational Church/Meeting House. All proceeds benefit Windham area residents through WCO