Historical Society Program

Past event
Jul 10, 2022, 2 to 3:30 PM

The Newbury Historical Society presents: The American Pump Organ - Little Cousin of the Piano a program of demonstration, music, and a talk by Bruce Stevens of Ryegate on Sunday July 10 at 2:00 pm at the Wells River Congregational Church Vestry at 76 Main St N, Wells River, VT 05081.

The program will trace the development of the Pump Organ from its invention in the mid 1800's to its manufacturing demise in the 1920s.

Stevens will also play a few pieces on an organ made in Lebanon, NH in the 1870's to demonstrate the music of the period. If time allows, Bruce will take a few suggestions from the audience for old-time hymns, typical of the period.

A noted musician Bruce, has owned 1001 Keys and Co. for about 45 years, a business that restores pianos, player pianos, and reed pump organs in the shop and is still going strong. He has also has been the organist at the Wells River Congregational Church for 42 years.

This program is free and open to the public. The Wells River Congregational Church is ADA accessible.

Refreshments will be offered after the program.

For more information contact Bruce Stevens at bstevens@myfairpoint.net or (802) 757 8050.

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