Come learn about honey bees and beekeeping from the experts at Betterbee! Dr. David Peck, Betterbee's Director of Research and Education, will provide a family-friendly tour of life in a bee colony, assisted by the 5,000 teaching assistants that live inside his portable observation hive. In this hour-long presentation, we'll learn about the lives of the queen, her workers, and the male drone bees as well as the jobs they all do inside the hive. We'll talk about how a beekeeper's hive fits together, what beekeepers do to work with their bees, and how bees make honey from the millions of flowers that they visit. You'll be able to watch the queen and her family through the sealed glass wall of the hive, and Dr. Peck will answer your questions while you learn about the way these pollinators help farmers produce many crops that are dependent on bees to pollinate them.
Mar 13, 2025, 7 PM
Open HouseMar 15, 2025, 9 AM to 11 PM
Bag Bingo March 16Mar 16, 2025, 1 to 3 PM