Abenaki Stories and Culture
Wednesday, July 13, 2021 at 10:30 AM
Join the Barton Public Library and the Barton Community Giving Garden to learn about Abenaki culture through stories with Miss Lucy Neel. Miss Lucy is the Nulhegan education coordinator for the Nulhegan band of the Abenaki tribe. She is also a board member of the Abenaki Helping Abenaki, Inc. She teaches about Abenaki heritage in schools and coordinates with after-school programs. This program is for all ages.
Meet us in the Barton Community Giving Garden for this event, located behind the library parking lot at 100 Church Street, Barton. And stay for Green Mountain Farm to School's Lunchbox, serving free lunches to all children 18 and under. There are also delicious choices for adults to purchase. For more information email bartonkidsread@gmail.com or call the Barton Library at 802-525-9725 and ask for Pam.