Barre City Rec and UVM 4-H Aquatic Ecology Workshop

Past event
Jul 12, 2022, 9:30 to 11:30 AM

Stream Monitoring And Aquatic Ecology– Workshop
Have you ever heard of a water penny? This is just one of many benthic macroinvertebrates that are in local rivers and streams. During this hands-on session students will dive into the science of their local stream and learn how to monitor a local waterway; how to monitor chemical, physical and biological parameters of the stream; and how to use the data they collect to determine stream health.
Who: Grades 7—12 When: July 12 Time: 9:00-12:00 Where: Rotary Park Shelter (Across from the tennis courts—just below BCEMS-near the Barre City swimming pool) Fee: $Free Info: Max. 20, Preregistration Required

To register for any of these workshops please call (802) 476-0257.
We will need the participants:
Name / Grade / Telephone Number

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