Family Ministry
The United Church of Northfield affirms all families, of origin, of choice, & of every age and size. Parents and caregivers come to find support to embrace their role as children's primary religious educators— to open authentic conversations with children about difficult topics— to grow in faith together through religious practices, truth-seeking, justice work, service projects, & more. We believe "family" is all embracing and that church is an integral part of one's faith development and growth in community and self. We believe that all people are lovable beings of infinite worth, imbued with powers of the soul. We are obligated to use our gifts, talents, & potentials in the service of faith, family, and ministry.
Family Ministry is a family faith development journey of building relationships where family members connect with one another, the faith community, and the universe to discover & rediscover a dynamic, sustaining faith. The family is a huge factor in a child's faith development! Rev. Makanah Morris has likened the family to a ground in which seeds of a child's faith are planted. She writes, "The seeds are planted in the early environment, but the ground can also be prepared for spreading roots & welcoming later seeds. So, do nurture the ground as well as the seeds. Let the ground of faith development not be limited in possibility, but remain fertile to seek, find, & nurture truth in ever new and more wonder-filled ways."
We invite you to a Family Ministry Potluck Planning Event on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 6pm in Howe's Hall at the United Church of Northfield. Please join us for a brainstorming session where you can engage in & vote on what the future of this program will look like in September. All ages are invited to share ideas & vote. We want to hear from you! Bring a family favorite dish to share & get in on the conversation as we develop a program that will be tailored fit from you sharing your dreams & insights. Our goal is to offer food, fellowship, & faith formation programming for youth & adults. Be part of the decision of what it will look like.
Contact Rev. Julie Lombard,, for further information.