Early Summer Herb Walk

Past event
Jul 5, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

This is the time when the Earth is awake and the green ones all around us are rejoicing in the warmth and beauty of these days sweet summer days. To celebrate this vibrancy we will be going out and greeting the wild medicine growing in the fields, forests, and wetlands of NVF. We will gather together and learn how to identify, tend, and wildcraft these herbs to integrate them into our lives for our health, healing, and vitality. Our herb walks center storytelling, embodied experience, and the honorable harvest to respect and honor our greatest teachers - the plants themselves :)

Some guest stars on our exploration will include Saint Johns Wort, Yarrow, and Mugwort (and so many more.) Folks with a toe-dip or a whole-body immersion into herbalism are invited to join our time together! Be sure to dress for the weather (sunhats are very helpful on hot sunny days), bring water because hydration is important, and excitement to learn more about the wonders of our world!

All ages are welcome to join these herb walks. Please be mindful of the needs of your child in relation to long walk in the sun and lots of listening when signing up! We may be walking on uneven ground around the farm - if you have an accessibility need please reach out to nvfbusinessoffice@gmail.com.

To learn more and sign up for our time together, please check out https://www.newvillagefarm.com/workshops - thank you !

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