MVAA 50th Celebration

Past event
Jul 15, 2022, 4 to 8 PM

Dear MVAA Alumni,

You are invited to attend a BBQ in celebration of the MVAA's 50+ years of service on Friday, July 15. It Will be held at the new HQ of the Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS) located on South St. just before Porter's Main Entrance. It begins at 4 PM and goes to 8. We'll also be given tours of their new facility.

Please let me know by July 8 how many in your family plan to attend so they can order the food. Since our records are incomplete, tell your MVAA friends about the party.

As you may know, the MVAA turned 50 in November 2020. Planning this celebration was put on hold due to COVID.

We hope to see you there.

"T" Tall
Retired MVAA EMT

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