O.N.E.'s Free Festival - The Ramble! July 30!

Past event
Jul 30, 2022, 9 AM to 11:55 PM

On Saturday, JULY 30th celebrate the creativity and community of the O.N.E. at THE RAMBLE—a veritable free festival-for-all of activities, art, music, food, fun and yard sales, throughout the neighborhood, rain or shine, ALL day & night.
New to this shindig? Visit our website for details: http://www.theramble.org

This year's theme: "THE RAMBLE RHAPSODY."

LIVE OR WORK IN THE OLD NORTH END? Please participate! Perform, barbecue, run a "Ramble special" at your business, show off your artwork or garden, have a yard sale, lead games or workshops, vend, or do whatever your BIG heart desires!

We make a map but YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Now in its 18th year, many THANXOX to the seasoned Ramblers who are all set to host an event! You know who you are–Sign-up by July 19th: http://theramble.org/get-involved/
For those of you down to offer something but wondering, where do I start…how does this work? We've got a google form just for you! Have a space available but don't necessarily want to run an event? Need suggestions before you commit to hosting? Not yet aligned with an event but have a specialty you want to offer? Tell us more: https://rb.gy/km6juc We're excited to connect people and places!

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Please see the specific roles we're hoping to fill: https://rb.gy/mjancr
Artists and Craft Vendors, join the ONE World Market! For more info: https://loveburlington.org/one-world-market. Sign-up by July 13th!

Find Ramble event UPDATES
On our website: http://theramble.org/events/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheRambleBTV/
And a Google Map: https://theramble.org/map/
Please consider joining Mascoma Bank and the Burlington City Arts Community Fund in supporting this event by visiting https://theramble.org/sponsor/ We rely on the generosity of both monetary AND in-kind donations, such as Front Porch Forum's Media Sponsorship, allowing us this very Ramble outreach!!
Many thanks to our current sponsors and future Ramble Rousers!

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