Moving Sale

Past event
Jun 24, 9 AM to 3 PM, Jun 26, 2022

Weather washed out the sale last weekend. So trying again this weekend.

292 Summers Street, Richmond, Blue Toyota Corolla in Front with Sign.

Friday June 24, 9 am - 3pm,
Sat June 25, 9 - 3
Sunday June 26 9 - 3.

TV Mounts, Large dining table with Wing and chairs, Ashwood queen size bed frame, Double Bed and frame used 4 nights, Victorian style chairs, Dinner wear, WILLIAMS SONOMA, VIVA, Crate Barrel, full set for 8 Pfaltzgraff dinner wear with all the bells and whistles pattern Reembrace, Designer handbags Coach, Kors, Sak, and others in excellent condition, New In Box bakeware, chief knives New In Package, Plus size clothing, Shelves, lawn mower by Craftsman great condition, Books, Household items, records, CD's, Much more. I find more as I pack.

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