This Sunday! -- the Fool's Riddle

Past event
Jun 8, 2014

Come see Jocelyn Woods of Cambridge debut her extended one-act play, "THE FOOL's RIDDLE: Hysteria Has No House" at Black Box Theatre!

Tickets on sale here:[...]14F

Grab your seats, space is limited!!

About the Play:
Meet Naught-Begot, Ambassador for the Ship of Fools, after seven and four score years of banished exile from the Royal Court. She is the many-faced identity-less figure of a one act play written, directed and performed by Jocelyn Woods. The Fool has returned from the icy north of no-man's land to make a proclamation on behalf of "all fools, madmen, hysterics". As she stands before the judges who shunned her, it also happens to be her wedding night--but to whom? She flirts with the judges as much as the mysterious "Perfect Stranger" in a tempestuous affair (or existential wrestling match?) turned apocalyptic.

"The Fool's Riddle: Hysteria Has No House" is a theatrical examination of the history of the ancient medical condition "hysterica passio" (literally "the wandering womb",) retrieved from the sterile walls of clinical asylums and "heaved onto the floor of parliament / That all Senators, Presidents and Pious Men / May hear the mayhem of all castaways," and as agent of prophetic and oracular divination. Questioning the belief systems of what it is to be a woman, of what is deemed holy or unholy, sane or insane, The Fool embodies hysteria as the inherent urge to expand the boundaries of expression and burst walls of oppression.

Genius, madness and orgasm are all kin, as the Fool fluidly shifts between the roles of madwoman, oracle, historian and séance-giving seductress, "in playing all, by being none." Exposing the psyche and human body as the theatre of imagination, the Fool, having no identity or social rank, becomes a lens into the contradictions of society, as she performs the surgery, seduction and sorcery of bardic riddle.

About the Artist:
My name is Jocelyn Woods and I live in Cambridge, VT. I am a 28 year old poet, mystic, playwright, model and actress preparing to publish my first manuscript (a metaphysical dialogue on Shakespeare's King Lear) and debut my first large scale stage plays. Home schooling gifted me with the immeasurable privilege of developing a radically independent mind. As a highly gifted child who graduated at age 16, learning though immersive, hands-on, immediate experience, facilitated a spirit of passionate adventure that never ends, but expands with every breath I take. It is my fervent desire to contribute to the public by being a facilitator of unlocking inner and outer worlds, encouraging audience members and participants to become enthralled mystics of an eternal pioneering voyage: the theatre of the imagination, poetry in motion through embodied presence.
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