Dear Ones~
Do you hear the inner call to Pause and Be Cared For?
'Tis Twixt presents a Wommyn's Weekend Re~Treat, AUGUST 12-14th, 2022
'Tis Twixt, the Space Between/the place to Rest is created for your enjoyment on 35 acres of wild winds of grass and flowers. Anderbell Acres is located in East Montpelier, with Field, Mountain, and Brook.
Wonderlusting moments are memories to re-member; to become a member of this weekend long community~~with camping, catering, workshops, and wellness services~
Follow the link for more information and to register yourself and your sisters.
~~ Our Response to this world can be full of LOVE; holding one another with safety, calm and care. In this place, we can create, connect, and center ourselves to set life building intentions~~
Said of May's Re~Treat:
It provides a safe sacred space for women to retreat from the often busy and stressful world. No one asking anything of us except to enjoy ourselves. No to-do's or pressure from other people to be a certain way. And it fosters a strong community of women who genuinely care about each other. We are stronger together. We do so much to take care of others, and it's so important for us to take time out to be cared for, to play and be silly, to learn, heal and rest.
Email any questions to