Where: North Common, Chelsea, VT
Live music: Ted Mortimer & Jim Green bring their brand of blues, bluegrass and Americana with two men, lots of guitars, a mandolin and the songs you love. All-ages dancing encouraged.
Market Cafe: Pre-order smoked chicken dinners to ensure you get yours! Smoked Chicken--Potato Salad--Homemade Baked Beans--Coleslaw--Homemade Rolls--Drink $15
add Carrot Cake for $3
Phyllis Hayward, from the kitchen of the Old farmhouse
Call: (802) 685-2281 Text: (802) 272-9709
17 local vendors provide veggies, starts, strawberries, honey, maple, eggs, breads, cupcakes, CBD, craft kombucha, cards, candles, pottery, fine photography prints, bath bombs, pies, donuts, and more.
ChelseaFarmersMarket.org for complete season schedule and vendor list.
Email: manager@chelseafarmersmarket.org