SAVE THE DATE - OCDC July 17 Vi and Ned Coffin Memorial Forum for Vermont Democratic Primary for Candidates for US Congress and VT Lieutenant Governor
The Orange County Democratic Committee will be holding the annual Vi and Ned Coffin Memorial Forum for Vermont Democratic Primary Candidates for US Congress and Vermont Lieutenant Governor on Sunday, July 17 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the Strafford Town House. All are invited to a BYO picnic from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on the Town House grounds
The first hour will be a forum for the US Congressional candidates and the second hour will be for the Lieutenant Governor candidates. The forum will be moderated by Don Hooper, the former Vermont Secretary of State from 1993 to 1995 as well as a VT House Representative for several terms.
The Democratic Candidates for Congress invited will be Becca Balint, Sianay Chase Clifford, Molly Gray, and Dr. Louis Meyers
The Democratic Candidates for Lt Governor invited will be Charlie Kimbell, Patricia Preston, Kitty Toll, and David Zuckerman.
The Forum is being presented, in cooperation with Strafford Town Democratic Committee, and paid for by the Orange County Democratic Committee, Linda Weiss. Treasurer, 513 Roundhouse Rd. Corinth, VT 05039. The OCDC has not endorsed any candidate or candidate's committee.