Our very own Cabot Harvest Hub is celebertaing its 1 year Anniversary with a Pop Up Market this Saturday on 3339 Main Street!
Harvest Hub vendors will be selling their goods -from fresh bread to handmade cards- from 9:00 am until 12:30 pm.
Bring the whole family- we' ve got something for everyone: Free cupcakes, a cooking demo with yummy samples, face painting for kids, a composting workshop (11:00am - 12:30pm) for the grown ups and Piper Hall is playing live music for everyone!
The Cabot Harvest Hub is an online farmer's market that sells local foods and artisan goods. Members can shop from Monday at noon until Thursday at 5pm at http://cabotharvesthub.org.
Are you interested in becoming a mamber? Use code HAPPYBIRTHDAY at the checkout for a free 6 week membership!
You can follow us on facebook and instagram.
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