Dog Party at the Mountain on Saturday is On!

Past event
Jun 18, 2022, 12 to 4 PM

When: Jun 18, 2022, 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

The Dog Mountain Founder's Day Dog Party is on for today, Saturday, from 12-4PM.

Have you noticed that dogs don't care about the weather?!
Especially when there's a chance to hang out up at the Mountain with their pack pals for an afternoon of free music, dog contests, food trucks, games for kids, a scavenger hunt, a bouncy house, and a "pup-arazzi" red carpet event that will be the high point of the Doggy Social Season!

And don't forget to make sure you buy your raffle tickets before the drawing tomorrow afternoon. You could win an original, limited edition, signed and framed Stephen Huneck woodcut print and a stay at Cary's Maple Lodge in addition to other great local prizes.

Bring your smiles, wags, galoshes, rain coats, bumbershoots (aka umbrellas ;-) and your DOG (or not) for a great St. Johnsbury celebration.

Come see and be seen this weekend, Saturday June 18th at Dog Mountain's Founders Day Dog Party from 12-4PM.

Dog Mountain is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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