Arbor Day Celebration - Help Plant 60 Bare Root Trees - June 11

Past event
Jun 11, 2014

TREEage - a volunteer project to host Arbor Day Celebration in SB
.. making a difference in our community .. one tree at a time ..

Qualifies for volunteer hours: EMG - SOUL - GE Volunteer
Best Maintenance Practices for Urban Trees South Burlington
** no experience needed **

Wednesday June 11 from 8:am to 5:pm (rain date Thursday 6/12)

TREEage Community Nursery at Wheeler Nature Park; 1100 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403
Park in lot near building; walk to nursery along bike path or by path through the field toward south west corner of the park.

Join Craig Lambert, SB City Arborist, Jamie Hart, TREEage co-Leader and me to celebrate Arbor Day in SB! We will plant & mulch 60 small, bare root trees at the TREEage Community Nursery. Tours of the nursery will also be offered and “tree talk” all day, so bring your tree questions too.

ABOUT the TREEage Community Nursery:
Volunteers with guidance and assistance from SB’s City Arborist manage the nursery. When ready, our trees will grow along city streets, parks or other city owned property. They offer many financial, environmental and aesthetic benefits to the residents of South Burlington.

Shovel, bypass pruner, gloves, kneeling pad, bucket or wheel barrel sunscreen, water, a snack and a smile!

Marie Ambusk: 802-999-1126
Sign up in advance is not required, but appreciated. All ages are welcome.

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