Honeybee Steelband

Past event
Jun 17, 2022, 3 to 6 PM

When: Jun 17, 2022, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Honeybee Steelband is going to be performing at the Hardwick Farmers Market "Pollinator Fest" event this Friday June 17! (Atkins Field, 3 - 6pm).

Also, we are looking for participants to JOIN US in our upcoming parade presentation at the Montpelier Independence Celebration on July 3rd. We need dancers, roller-skating bees, people to help us push and pull our float through the streets ("green" energy!), people to wave and walk with signs, people to play percussion - any and all kinds of enthusiastic participants! Bee T-Shirts and antennae will be provided!

We will be performing two disco classics at the upcoming parade (both loosely related to bees): "I Will Survive", and "A Fifth of BEEthoven" - both super fun danceable arrangements. We even have a short easy choreography sequence worked out for the "Fifth of Beethoven" piece if anyone wants to be part of a flashy little segment. Check it out and talk to us this Friday in Hardwick!

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