Choir Concert June 8

Past event
Jun 8, 2014

The Essex Children’s Choir cordially invites you to hear and see the principles of Pythagoras “live” in an afternoon of musical sound and mathematical harmonies on Sunday, June 8, at 4:30 p.m., at the McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College. This presentation will take you on a journey into the science of sound. Through the senses, you will be able to perceive and embrace the connections between mathematics, numbers, and sound.

As letters of the alphabet form words and words to inspire thought,
Notes in music identify mathematical rations.
Mathematical ratios define sounds of intervals.
Sounds of intervals create tone, mathematical harmonies and melody.
Melody nurtures the senses, “opens a world of emotions.” Zoltan Kodaly
Melody lifts words off the printed page to the highest plateau for human development.

This plateau of musical artistry and beauty will ring through works by Praetorius, Bach, Handel, Kodaly, Traditional folksongs,
and the art forms of America, Roots of Jazz and Musical Theatre: “The Sound of Music.”

Donations will be received at the door. For more information call (802) 863-9161.

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