Hi neighbors,
This election season, and particularly the primaries, is a really exciting one! We have competitive races and new faces up and down the ballot in Vermont. Primary season is the time to push the conversation and ask tough questions. It's a real opportunity to get to know candidates and for them to learn about your life and policy interests. I'm hoping you can join me in my excitement and share this invitation with your friends, family, and neighbors.
Starting on June 15th, we will host candidate events every other Wednesday on the Brattleboro Town Common. Sometimes we'll have a debate or speeches or a panel conversation. Sometimes we'll host a dinner table conversation. At our first event on June 15th we will have a cook-out with some soap box speeches. We're encouraging folks to come and table, to bring posters and leaflets, to join with their causes and their curiosity. We're hoping to have kids and games and talk about abortions all at once. It will be community and politics and we hope you can join us and spread the word.
Thanks so much and hope to see you soon,
Click here to volunteer: https://www.emiliekornheiser.org/volunteer/
Click here to sign up to table or represent a candidate: https://forms.gle/4JuNT7Uw1hwQkHGp8
Learn more at https://fb.me/e/1xS7KP1GN
or send me an email: ekornheiser@gmail.com
Mar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Winter Adolescent Dog ClassMar 8, 2025, 4 to 5 PM
Death Over DrinksMar 9, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM