We are hosting the Vermont Senior Games Track & Field at the Burlington HS from 8:30-12N. We have approx 75 athletes, age 50+, including 87 yr old world record holder Flo Meiler in 10 events. It is a qualifying event for the National games in Pittsburgh,PA next summer.
No track experience or expertise is necessary to assist field events, by measuring,raking, recording results,etc., but will need to spend most of the time on your feet. Some folks bring a chair for between age groups
If you ever assisted with you kids athletic events you are qualified. I am also looking for a knowledgeable person to help run javelin. Need 12-15 volunteers.
Lunch is provided to all who finish their assigned event. It is inspiring to watch and assist our grateful athletes .
Please contact Coach Kevin Plette at kp2vt@aol.com by Thurs. June 15th.
802-862-1277 and I'll confirm your slot.