Warning: DAB Special Meeting

Past event
Jun 14, 2022, 4 to 6:15 PM



The Town of Calais DESIGN ADVISORY BOARD will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 4:00 pm at the Old West Church, 758 Old West Church Road.

Tentative Agenda:
4:00 Informal Review of proposal for new exterior sign at Old West Church, 758 Old West Church Road
4:30 Informal Review of Christopher Ciaburro proposal for demolition of two non-contributing outbuildings at 732 Old West Church Road.
5:00 Follow-up on Caitlin Welby project at 140 Robinson Cemetery Road
5:15 Review proposed draft of Calais Planning Commission's Calais Land Use & Subdivision Regulations changes to the way that DAB and ZA handle Design Review in Kents Corner Old West Church Design Control District.
5:45 How to handle existing Zoning Language that says that ANY/ALL buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) which might get demo'd (not just in Kents Corner HD) must get DRB Review. With new NRHP districts being formally accepted, it looks like there are a lot of historic structures that may be subject to Design Review.

Times are approximate. There is no virtual meeting component.

John McCullough, Calais Zoning Administrator

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