Local Authors Discuss Difficult Decisions

Past event
Jun 8, 2022, 7 PM

Local authors Susan Mills and Barbara Morrison will read from their books and discuss incorporating social justice issues in fiction and memoir at Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St. in Brattleboro.

Susan Mills' new novel, On the Wings of a Hummingbird, follows a 15-year-old Guatemalan girl who draws on Mayan mythology to help her carve a future out of a childhood scarred by gang violence. Susan was a Spanish-speaking immigration attorney for twenty years and prepared asylum cases for thousands of immigrants from Central America. The novel explores forgiveness and redemption, how to heal oneself and find a future of integrity with friends and community who have participated in atrocities. More information can be found at www.susanmills.co.

Barbara Morrison, who writes as B. Morrison, is the author of a memoir, Innocent: Confessions of a Welfare Mother—now an audiobook—and two poetry collections, Terrarium and Here at Least. She conducts writing workshops and provides editing services. Details are available at www.bmorrison.com.

Books will be available for sale and signing.

The event is free and open to the public and the venue is accessible to people in wheelchairs. For more information, see https://brookslibraryvt.org/event/difficult-decisions-with-authors-susan-mills-and-barbara-morrison/

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