Regular School Board Meeting - June 8

Past event
Jun 8, 2022, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Winooski School Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, June 8, 6:30pm
Cafeteria or via Zoom
Zoom Webinar information:
Join by Phone: 1 301 715 8592
Winooski School District

All students will graduate from the Winooski School District (WSD) college and career ready at a cost supported by a majority of the Winooski community. WSD students will lead healthy, productive and successful lives and engage with their local and global community.

Call to Order/LGBTQIA+ Month/Mindfulness: (5 Minutes)

Agenda Review and Adjustments: (5 Minutes)

Public Comments: (20 Minutes)
Focus on Learning: (45 minutes)
Celebration for Lucas Zweeres
Youth Restorative Justice Presentation
Overview of curriculum adoption process

Consent Agenda: (5 Minutes)
Minutes of Meetings
Capital Project Executive Committee Meeting: May 2022
Regular Board Meeting: May 2022
Policy Title: 2.3 Financial Condition and Activities
Approval of Bills
Policy Title: 2.7 Compensation and Benefits
Keegan Bliss: LT Substitute Teacher Special Education WHS
Jennifer Durran: Math Teacher (WMHS)
Ian Meunier: Math Teacher (WMHS)
Tiffany Rossi: 4th Grade Special Educator
Policy Title: 2.8 Communication and Support to the Board
Superintendent Report
Approval: WSD 2022-23 School Calendar
Policy Title: 4.2.2 Create Written Governing Policies
Discussion: 2nd Reading Policy # 3546 Capitalization of Assets
Discussion: 2nd Reading Policy# 3547 Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Procurement
Discussion: 2nd Reading Policy # 3548 Travel Reimbursement
Policy Title: 4.2.2 Board Job Description
Approve Recommendation of FY23 Food Service Contract
Approve Transportation bid from STA
Governance Processes (Policy Section IV): (30 Minutes)
Policy Title: 4.1.4 Governing Style: Board Development
Discussion/Action: Vice Chair
Discussion/Action: Climate Survey

Executive Limitations (Policy Section II): (45 minutes)
Policy Title: 2.4 Financial Planning and Budgeting
Discussion/Approval: Capital Project Funding
Policy Title 2.6: Asset Protection
Two years of expenditures from the board's line item budget
Board-Management Delegation (Policy Section III): (15 minutes)
Policy Title 3.4: Monitoring Superintendent Performance
Discussion/Action: Superintendent Evaluation

Community Engagement (Policy 4.2.1): (5 Minutes)
Discussion: Recent Community Activities by Board
Newsletter Topics

Next Agenda: (5 Minutes)

Upcoming Important Dates:
Tentative date for Board Retreat - September 17, 2022
MH Open House - 5th grade - June 9th
High School Graduation - June 11th
8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony - June 16th
Last Day of School - June 17th
VeggieVan Go - June 17th, July 15th, August 19th
Regular Board Meeting - July 13th
Executive Committee Meeting - July 13th

Executive Session:

Possible Action on Executive Session:


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