Essex Selectboard Meeting June 6

Past event
Jun 6, 2022, 6:30 to 9:30 PM

The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 6. The meeting will be held in person at the Town Offices at 81 Main St., Essex Junction, and remotely via Zoom; the public is, as always, welcome and invited to attend. Full agendas and packets are available at

The agenda contains links to join the meetings electronically, and call-in information to join by phone.

• VISIT for direct meeting links and options to participate.
• JOIN ONLINE: Zoom Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140; Passcode: 032060
• JOIN CALLING: (toll free audio only): (888) 788-0099 | Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140; Passcode: 032060

- Public to be heard about items not on the agenda
- Interview and possible appointment of a volunteer to serve on the Conservation and Trails
Committee - Betsy Dunn, Ken Signorello
- Consider Changes to Conservation and Trails Committee Charter
- Consider approval of Human Services Funding recommendations for fiscal year 2022
- Presentation of Essex Parks & Recreation Program Fund Budget
- Consider the appointment of a Representative and Alternate to the Chittenden Solid Waste District
- Consider appointment of Town Meeting TV Trustee
- Consider approval of consent agenda: minutes of May 16 and May 26; check warrants; amendment to motion approving Chittenden Solid Waste District fiscal year 2023 budget; liquor license renewal; appointment of Representative and Alternate to Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission's Planning Advisory Committee
- Informational reading file

For more information please contact Town Manager Greg Duggan at 878-1341 or

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