Summer Reading Program Sign-Up

Past event
Jun 11, 2014

Summer Reading is important!

Your children are invited to join Maclure Library’s Summer Library Program and attend the fun programs and events we are planning for children of all ages. This summer’s theme is Fizz, Boom, Read! The programs are free and open to children of all ages and sign-up for the reading program begins on Wednesday, June 11. The first 25 families to sign-up for the reading program will automatically be entered into a raffle to win one of two family pass to the Pittsford Rec. Center.

It’s simple! Your child decides how much to read each week and keeps track of their reading by:
number of hours read, number of pages read, number of chapters read or number of books read.
Keep track of how much you read, show us your reading log, collect a popsicle coupon and go pick up your popsicle. That’s it! Hope to see lots of you this summer.

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