The Humanity Network, a local community-building organization founded by Jeanette Staley and Michelle Bos-Lun is coordinating the showing of the 2021 film, Listen Up! as an opportunity to get our neighbors together to listen and learn about issues facing Vermont youth and to initiate conversations about how we can become engaged in building a supportive community.
The Listen Up Project is an original Vermont musical production based on eight months of interviews, workshops, conversations and listening sessions with more than 800 teens across Vermont. The show was written and performed by Vermont youth. Bess O'Brien, award winning documentary filmmaker, was directing producer for the project. All teens, parents of teens and people who are concerned about youth and the future of our community are welcome to attend!
Listen Up! Will be showing at the Bellows Falls Opera House on Thursday, June 2. Doors will open at 6pm, and the film will run at 6:30, and followed by a short panel discussion and Q & A addressing youth issues in our community. Dr. Dottie Morris, Keene State College's Chief Officer of Diversity and Multiculturalism will facilitate the panel which will include local youth and people involved in the making of the film.
The film is partially sponsored by the Rockingham Arts and Museum Project (RAMP) and by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont.
Admission to the film is free, but donations will be accepted to help cover expenses.
For more information about this event,
Jan 4, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Auditions for Rock River Players' ProductionJan 4, 2 PM to 3:30 PM, Jan 7, 2025
Zen Meditation in Saxtons RiverJan 8, 2025, 7 to 8 PM