'Wow! 20 Years' - Cantabile Concert(s)

Past event
Jun 5, 2022, 4 to 5:30 PM

Cantabile Women's Chorus Concert

When: Jun 4, 2022, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Cantabile women's chorus, under Director Kathy Sherlock-Green, will perform its spring concert, Wow! 20 Years, with accompanist Jeanne Chambers. Concerts are 4:00 pm on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at the Norwich Congregational Church in Norwich, VT, and 4:00 pm on Sunday, June 5, 2022, at the First Congregational Church in Lebanon, NH.

Wow! 20 Years is a celebration of Cantabile's 20 years of singing, exploring, and performing music for treble voices. The program includes Vivaldi's Gloria, as well as pieces by Durante, Kook, Trumbore, and Mann. The concert also includes the performance of a new work composed by Philip Silvey. Three Essential Prayers is inspired by the writings of Anne Lamott and was commissioned by Cantabile in celebration of their 20th anniversary!

For more information about the concert, COVID precautions, or to purchase tickets online, please visit www.CantabileWomen.org. Tickets will also be available at the door (cash or check only). Adults $15, Seniors $10, Students $5, Children 12 and under accompanied by an adult are free.

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