Queer Youth and Youth Allies Forest Therapy Immersions

Past event
Jul 29, 6 PM to 10 AM, Jul 31, 2022

Calling all high school aged LGBTQIA+ Youth and their Youth Allies. Spend the weekend tenting out by the river with a group of like-minded youth as we immerse ourselves in Forest Therapy and other healing arts to reconnect with our roots, discover our inner power and strength, come together as a community, and experience the healing powers of the natural world. We will laugh, sing, move, swim, hike, write, create, and celebrate ourselves and each other in this transformational and deeply therapeutic experience.

There are four weekends in July and a week-long session August 7-13. This program sequence is 100% FREE and all food, gear, and transportation is provided.

Visit www.thebarraschool.org for more information and www.bit.ly/TheBarraSchool-Summer2022Registration to register. Please spread the word!

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